Sake is naturally gluten-free and high in amino acids.

Makes skin beautiful

Sake contains amino acids – friends of beauty and health – 10 times more than wine does.

Koji moulds prevent skin cells from ageing, moisturising and vitalising them.

Alpha glucosyl glycerol(αGG) keeps skin moisturised and bouncy.

Drinking sake or applying it to the face as a toner actually inhibits the production of melanin, decreasing the appearance of dark spots like freckles and sun spots, plus it could also prevent one from getting wrinkles because the ferulic acid in sake absorbs UV rays from the sun. Aside from brighter and firmer skin, it could also soothe those who have skin problems like acne or eczema.

Haircare benefits

Amino acids help hair grow

Adenosine, one of the ingredients of hair tonic, increases the number of hair-growth factors and also boosts blood circulation

Alpha glucosyl glycerol prevents hair fall and loss

Nutrition facts

One serving of sake (100 grams) contains 134 calories.

Sake bath

Sake can also be used for bathing! Some people pour a few cups of it in the bathtub for a “sake bath.” Its benefits? It is a good way to detoxify your body, while moisturising your skin at the same time. You’ll also have a good night’s sleep after a sake bath.

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