Category: Trending

Shochu or soju?

While many people associate shochu with Japan, it is said to originate in Korea where it is called soju. The ‘sho’ in shochu and the ‘so’ in soju both mean ‘burn’ or ‘burned’; the ‘chu’ in shochu and the ‘ju’ in soju both mean alcohol….

Sake vs shochu

They’re both Japanese traditional alcoholic beverages but very different in materials, production processes, alcohol contents, ageing and tastes. Sake is made solely from rice. Shochu can be made from not only rice, but also some other raw materials such as sweet potatoes, barley, buckwheat, corn,…

Sake and food

Sake is extremely versatile and pairs well with food. It obviously is a perfect accompaniment of classic Japanese foods such as sushi, sashimi, and tempura. If you are eating sushi or sashimi, then the ideal sake is chilled Daiginjo. The light taste of Daiginjo also…

Beautiful benefits of sake

Sake is naturally gluten-free and high in amino acids. Makes skin beautiful Sake contains amino acids – friends of beauty and health – 10 times more than wine does. Koji moulds prevent skin cells from ageing, moisturising and vitalising them. Alpha glucosyl glycerol(αGG) keeps skin…

Health benefits of sake

Dubbed “the king of all medicine”, sake has been believed to have health promoting effects. High in nutrients Since sake is a fermented drink, it retains almost all nutrients from ingredients and nutrients arising in the process of fermentation. It contains as many as 700…

Sake storage sense

Proper storage and handling are absolutely essential to enjoy sake at its best. Some sakes can be kept at room temperature, while other delicate types require refrigeration. Storing temperature vs serving temperature Storing temperature is different from the serving temperature. Sake that was previously stored…

Basics of storing sake

Three basic rules to store your sake properly. Keep it away from sunlight Sake is extremely vulnerable to direct sunlight. UV radiation causes the components and colour of sake to change rapidly. It may even sometimes taint the fragrance, causing it to develop a burnt…

Sake shelf life

One thing that discourages many people from buying their first sake is not knowing how long it will keep or how to store it properly. They wonder if sake even have an expiry date. Here are some answers to questions on expiry date and shelf…

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