Following our earlier articles ‘Think pink this Valentine’s’ and ‘More to pink than you think’, here are even more rosé wine facts.

Cool rule

Temperature is key when it comes to storing wine.

Lay an unopened bottle on its side in a cool, dry place, like a cellar or a closet, away from direct sunlight.

Anything above 20°C can degrade the wine. Cooler temperatures slow down chemical processes, including oxidation.

Rosé wine should be chilled at a temperature between 6 and 8ºC. If you don’t plan on drinking the whole bottle of wine at once, keep it properly sealed and refrigerated.

Keeping rosé wine chilled punctuates its delicate aromas, crisp flavours, and acidity.

Most rosé wines will be drinkable for up to a week when stored in your refrigerator. You’ll notice the taste will change subtly after the first day, as the wine oxidizes. The overall fruit character of the wine will often diminish, becoming less vibrant.

Drinking a wine that’s faded due to oxidation won’t make you sick, it will just taste unpleasant.

Gone bad

Some clues that tell you if wine has gone bad include cloudiness – this rule applies to wines that were originally clear; change in colour – similar to fruit, wines often brown over time when exposed to oxygen; development of bubbles; acetic acid scents; oxidation smells; and reduction odours.

Past best by

As for expired rosé wine, since a sealed bottle doesn’t come in contact with excess oxygen, bacteria, and heat, it has a longer shelf life than an opened bottle of wine. You can consume it past its printed expiration date as long as it smells and tastes okay.

Selection of wine on ice

Fooling with freezing

What happens if you freeze rosé? First of all, the wine will expand as it freezes. This means that before long the wine will either leak out around the cork, completely push the cork out, or smash the bottle. Not only will this waste your wine, but you’re going to end up with a mess in your freezer — possibly a dangerous, glassy mess!

For a fine bottle of rosé wine, shop at

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